Visualize geospatial data

Use the illustreets cloud-based spatial analytics and reporting software to create dynamic data maps that encourage exploration. Design beautiful charts and ultra-fast data tables using point-and-click. Write data-driven white papers and stories using our WYSIWYG editor.

  • Enable live queries and user parameters for dynamic exploration.
  • Build your story using both spatial and non-spatial visualisations.
  • Bring together interactive maps, web reports, and white papers.

Visualize your data: transforming complex insights into actionable intelligence

Seeing patterns and drawing meaningful insights can often seem challenging. With illustreets, it doesn’t have to be. Our state-of-the-art data visualization tools allow you to transform your data into clear, understandable, and actionable visuals, making it easier for you to share insights and inform decision-making processes.

Harness diverse visualization tools

With illustreets, you have a range of data visualization tools at your fingertips, from interactive map layers and dynamic data tables to comprehensive charts and graphs. You can even create compelling data stories, blending the power of narrative with the clarity of visual data. All these tools enable you to illustrate complex datasets and highlight essential patterns and relationships, delivering a more meaningful view of your location-based data.

Customize your data views

Data visualization is not a one-size-fits-all process. Each dataset is unique and may require different methods of visualization for optimal understanding. illustreets offers flexibility in how you choose to visualize your data. Slice and dice your data without changing the original data source with our dynamic and cached data views. You can also use user parameters to influence the result in the frontend, enabling a multitude of “what if” scenarios.

Design with interactive layers

Map layers are the cornerstone of any geospatial data visualization. With illustreets, you can create a set of data features represented as points, polygons, or lines from any geospatial column. Customizable according to your data, these layers can be used in spatial apps and dashboards, enabling front-end users to view, explore, and even edit the data based on access permissions.

Leverage customizable charts and tables

Transform your datasets and data views into comprehensive charts and tables. With illustreets, you can configure the x and y axes, add front-end filters, and even clone or share your charts with other publishers. Our tables offer an extensive range of features, including freezing columns, column sorting, grouping, conditional formatting, and column summaries. With all these tools, you can visualize and manipulate your data to best suit your needs.

Tell stories with your data

Harness the power of narrative to provide context to your data. Our dynamic content, “Stories,” lets you merge static wording with values derived from your data. You can use HTML with data placeholders and helpers to add headers, footers, descriptions, and KPIs to your reports. Stories help you share a coherent narrative, bringing your data to life and making it more relatable.

Create interactive spatial apps

Spatial apps provide a powerful tool for exploring and analyzing location-based data. By integrating layer groups, perspectives, widgets, and drill-through reports, spatial apps offer a customizable data visualization experience. They allow you to draw or edit features, measure distances, place markers, add notes, and much more.

Unlock your data’s power with illustreets

Unleash the full potential of your data! Create dynamic, interactive visuals that highlight patterns and insights. Customize maps, charts, tables, and more to tell your data’s unique story. Start transforming your complex insights into actionable intelligence today!

Book a demo

What our clients say

illustreets — a world-class product that outperforms industry giants, coupled with personalized service” and “a group of intelligent and friendly individuals to work alongside”. “We have only scratched the surface of the potential [it] provides and it’s been a great experience using it”.

illustreets has played an integral part in helping us build our SaaS platform for Terravault.

They worked collaboratively with us to develop tools and functionality that enhanced our product. In addition to their expertise, they are a group of intelligent and friendly individuals to work alongside.

Vicki Burch-Vasquez, GIS Manager
Vicki Burch-Vasquez, GIS Manager
Cude Engineers, USA

It’s not often one comes across a company like illustreets — a world-class product…

…that outperforms industry giants, coupled with personalized service that allows product customization to allow exploration of new markets.

Village Infrastructure Angels has combined its knowledge and illustreets to deliver world class infrastructure mapping and planning services that, to the best of our knowledge, has no comparable competition, resulting in repeat work captured for both companies from respected institutions like the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank and many others.

It has been a sheer delight to work with the illustreets team, and I look forward to many more years of collaboration that can result in more infrastructure being built to help the world’s poorest 1-2 billion people, and probably saving governments and donors billions of dollars via large-scale innovative design.

Stewart Craine, CEO
Stewart Craine, CEO
Village Infrastructure Angels, UK

We replaced spreadsheets of coordinates and calculation tables with illustreets.

Our business is selling equipment, which brings least cost electrification out to hard to reach areas, so we took our geospatial plannning data and plotted it in illustreets.

It became quickly apparent to our partners that they could make massive savings by setting up decentralised clusters of mesh-grids vs. more traditional centralised solutions. They were able to show this to other engineers and management in their organization and quickly we were able to move to supplying equipment and getting more power to the people.

We have only scratched the surface of the potential illustreets provides and it’s been a great experience using it. Highly recommended easy UX - quick leap to visualising GIS data.

Afnan Hannan, CEO
Afnan Hannan, CEO
Okra Solar, Australia

illustreets has provided an unmatched ability to build on large and complex datasets…

…to not only make our data visually beautiful but to present complex data as simple and easy to understand dynamic stories to our clients. This is particularly important to us when dealing with highly technical data to enable non-technical clients the ability to easily understand and navigate their way through the GIS apps, without getting lost in a mass of data and information. Previous solutions we had worked with lacked this final piece of the puzzle.

In addition, the SQL engine within illustreets is unrivaled in it’s ease of use - as a relative novice in SQL language, it was easy to get to grips with utilising some of the power of this engine using their simple and user friendly SQL query builder GUI and later move into more advanced queries with the SQL editor.

The support illustreets has provided throughout has been first class and always met with quick responses, even when the support requested has not necessarily been related to illustreets platform!

Sam Andrews
Sam Andrews
Andrews Consulting, Australia